Hi I am NØSBU George of Hugo, MN.

Here is a picture of my Icom station.

There also are pictures of the 145.170 NØGOI reciever.

These are Astaic microphones.

The left is a D-104 Golden Eagle.

The middle one is a D-10-A.

The right is a D-104 Silver Eagle.

These are MFJ  Deluxe VHF/UHF cross needle SWR bridges.

Top left is a model MFJ-815D HF meter.

The right is a model MFJ-817C Six meter.

The bottom left is a model MFJ-817C two meter.


I have two Heil Microphones.

They are the Gold LIne Microphones.

Left is HF and right is VHF.

Also a MFJ 121B 24/12 hour clock.  

This is a Uniden BC-7 scanner I use to

monitor various 2 meter and 440 repeaters.

Also there are two CW keys a paddle and a straight key.

Here is the SEC-1235 M

power supply for the Icom 746 Pro.

and a Yaseu SP-8 External Speaker

Here is the Icom 7300 HF and 6 Meter Transceiver.

Here is the SEC-1235 M

power supply for the Icom 7300

and a Yaseu SP-8 External Speaker.


Here are two MFJ-2702 antenna switches.

The top is either the 7300 or the 746 pro.

The bottom is either the G5RV antenna or the Dummy Load.

Here is the Icom 756 Pro HF ,6 and 2  Meter Transceiver.

This is the Yaseu G-450XL rotator controller.

I have a 6 meter Beam and a 2 meter Beam and a tri band Omni for 6,2, and 440.

I use a MFJ-G5RV for Hf.

This is the HUgo receiver for the 145.170 MAGIC repeater in St. Paiul.


The top antenna is for the 145.170 Hugo receiver

and the samal beam links the receiver to the 145.170 transmitter.

The antenna on the side mount is for my 2/40/DMR radio in the living room.