The North Branch Repeater is a MSF 5000 Digital repeater.
This repeater is part of the MAGIC Repeater system.
It is on 147.315 + 6k with a PL tone of 91.5
It is set at 50 watts output to the Antenna
It is located at the feed mill on the corner of
Chisago County 30 and Hwy 95.
Here are pictures of the MSF 500 and the duplexers.
Here is a close up of the antenna and a picture of it mounted at the feed mill.
Here are some pictures from on top of the mill taken by Terry NØGOI.
Looking North West. West slightly North
Looking West slightly South Looking West slightly North
Looking South over 95 Looking South East over Hwy 95 and Hwy 30
Looking East South over Hwy 30 Looking East over Hwy 30
Looking North East over Hwy 30 Looking North along west side of Hwy 30